Vous connaissez la théorie de l'évolution ?
Voici ce qui se passe, quand on l'applique ... au dessert.
Une évolution mais est-ce vers un mieux ?Vers un bon moment de gourmandise en tous cas !
Darwin serait fier de moi !
© Saucisseintrinsèque / The Sausage
2013. Tous droits de reproduction interdits.
Matériaux fimo, résine, céramique, métal, plastique.
Collier LE DARWIN DU DESSERT, gâteau miniature
Have you ever thought about the theory of evolution?
I regularly do. In fact, I absolutely believe in evolution,
even though I also believe in God. So I don't see what
people are fighting about.One kind of evolution you will like, regardless, is the
evolution of my dessert ...
It starts off as a full cake, dwindles down to a small slice,
and finally an empty plate with a spoon...Empty plate, but full stomach !! Yummm !!
My kind of evolution, especially if it's a raspberry
and lemon cake ...Arrrgh. Darwin would appreciate it I'm sure !!
© The Sausage
2013. All Rights Reserved