Une petite faim, pas de souci, ce petit hamburger gourmand et
pop art de 1 cm de hauteur devrait caler votre dent creuse !!
Hi hi !
Chomp, chomp, bon appétit !
© The Sausage
Décembre 2011. Tous droits de reproduction interdits
Boucles d'oreilles ICH BIN EIN HAMBURGER, hamburgers miniatures
Have you ever thought, what it would have sounded like, if Kennedy had gone to Hamburg, Germany instead of Berlin ? Or to Frankfurt ?
I bet his speech then wouldn't be remembered the same way. "Ich bin ein Hamburger", or "Ich bin ein Frankfurter" would probably have made the headlines too, but for different reasons.
Of course, I have nothing to say. As you know, I AM a Frankfurter. Sausages, are not allowed to make fun of hamburgers. Also because they might end up in a hot dog.
But anyway, do you like my earrings ?
© The sausage
All Rights Reserved. Originally created 2011.