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Vous ne savez pas ce qu'est un ice-cream sandwich ??? 

Faites donc un petit tour aux Etats-Unis ... 

Prévenez votre balance avant, au cas où elle se mette 
en grève à votre retour ... 

(Boucles d'oreilles faites avec des petits boutons en 
plastique !)

© The Sausage Jewels 
Août 2022. Tous droits de reproduction interdits

Boucles d'oreilles LES ICE CREAM SANDWICHES, miniatures en plastique

  • Oooo these little ice cream sandwiches, who could resist 
    them ??? Not me. 

    If you don't want your scales to be on strike 
    after that, you're going to have to have a good relationship with the running mill as well ! 
    (only saying !!) 

    But I found them toooo cute and I HAD to make 
    dangle earrings with them ! 

    Please NOTE : these are plastic button charms, not made 
    by me

    NOTE AS WELL : if you would like handmade 
    charms instead, you can ask me to make them. 
    However, the earrings might be slightly more expensive. 

    Note 3: And now I'm hungry. WHY ? WHY ? 

    © The Sausage Jewels 
    August 2022. All rights reserved

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