Pour mieux connaître ce bijou, prière de lire
sa description chez son confrère, le rouge !!
Ce bijou est une pièce unique, il en existe deux en tout,
un rouge et un noir.
Le bijou s'enfile sans fermoir, mais il est ajustable,
grâce à deux petits noeuds coulissants sur la nuque.
Du coup, on peut aussi le régler à la longueur qu'on
veut, pour en faire un ras du cou par exemple.
© Saucisseintrinsèque / The Sausage
Mars 2016. Tous droits de reproduction interdits
Collier donut de jade
Collier FIL DE JADE donut de jade vert foncé fil de soie bordeaux blanc noir
This necklace was made with a donut of green jade produced in Myanmar. I ask you to please check before buying, that the import of Jade from Myanmar is authorized in your country.
I know for example that is not authorized to import into the United States due to a blockade policy.
This jade was extracted ethically and I bought the donut from a certified temple merchant at Mandalay. I did not import it to France, I bought it on the spot while traveling.
If you have further questions about this necklace please let me know.
I used the donut and a silk thread necklace from Myanmar I had bought to put them together. The silk is red black and white.
This makes a unisex piece of jewelry and you can adjust the length.
It's one of a kind, but I also made a light green jade one, with light red silk necklace.
© The Sausage Jewels
2016. All rights reserved