Prolégomène chic, est un gentleman. Un gentleman jaune, transparent, en résine.
Il est toujours sur son trente et un et toujours aux
petits soins. Il a fait ses études au collège d'Eton,
en Angleterre, et il est très distingué. Il ne fait
jamais de faux pas, et il connaît parfaitement les
règles de l'étiquette dans la haute société. D'ailleurs, il pourra maintes fois vous sauver la mise, à un repas chic, en vous indiquant quel couvert vous devez utiliser.Vive Prolégomène, chic !!
© Saucisseintrinsèque / The Sausage
Déc. 2012. Tous droits de reproduction interditsSautoir prolegomene chic
Sautoir PROLEGOMENE chic, chaîne noire bonhomme transparent jaune veston noir
I love science !!
At school, I hated my physics teacher.
I also hated natural sciences. I didn't understand
a damn thing.In High School, I had the worst grade you could
get in Maths.Well done ...
But, since then, things have changed !
I love geology, vulcanology, quantic physics,
and all that concerns the universe.
I still hate maths, but I love to cook (sometimes)
and cooking is chemistry !It is !!
If you learn to love sciences, you realize
it's amazing all that you can understand with
them. I still don't know what probability and statistics
are for, but if they bring half an hour's peace to teachers giving exercises to their students to calculate them ... why not !!Once, I even read a book that made me understand
E=MC2 !! I couldn't explain it to you in a minute, but I did understand it !!So I had to make a little man to thank Mr. Einstein.
Not for the bomb, but to help me understand things while remaining simple and fun.Thanks !
© TheSausage
April 2014, handmade all rights reserved